var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose(); var db = new sqlite3.Database("./proxy.db"); var winston = require("winston"); var url = require("url"); var fs = require('fs'); // JSON file to configure hosts we should block. const blockedFile = "./lib/blocked.json" const logger = winston.createLogger({ transports: [ new winston.transports.File({filename: '../proxy.log'}) ] }); /** TODO - MAKE THESE FUNCTIONS THEIR OWN MODULE. VVV * FIXME - need to close the database connection * on exit. */ /** * Log a message at level ERROR and exit * @param {string} message */ function logErrorAndExit(message) { logger.error(message) process.exit(1) } /** * Initialize our database. */ exports.initializeDatabase = function() { db.serialize(() => {"create table if not exists hosts (hostname TEXT, visitcount Int)", (err, row) => { if (err !== null) { logErrorAndExit("Error creating table hosts: " + err) } }); try { fs.readFile(blockedFile, (err, data) => { if (err !== null) throw err // console.log(JSON.parse(data)) let blockedData = JSON.parse(data)"create table if not exists blocked_hosts (hostname TEXT)", (err, row) => { if (err !== null) { logErrorAndExit("Error creating table blocked_hosts: " + err) } }) db.get("select count(*) from blocked_hosts", (err, row) => { if (err !== null) { logErrorAndExit("Error getting count of blocked_hosts") } // if (blockedData.hosts.length row['count(*)']) for (let host of blockedData.hosts) { db.get("select hostname from blocked_hosts where hostname = ?", [host], (err, row) => { if (row === undefined) {"insert into blocked_hosts (hostname) values (?)", [host]); } }) } }) }) } catch(err) { console.log(err) logErrorAndExit("Could not find blocked.json, does it exist?") } }); // fs.accessSync("./blocked.json") } /** * Update the visit count for a host logged by the proxy * @param {string} hostname Host logged by proxy */ function updateVisitCount(hostname) { db.serialize(() => {"update hosts set visitcount = visitcount + 1 where hostname = ?", [hostname]); }); } /** * Add a row for a host to the hosts table. * @param {string} hostname Host that was freshly visited. */ function addHostToTable(hostname) { db.serialize(() => {"insert into hosts (hostname, visitcount) values (?, 0)", [hostname]); }) } /** * Add a host to the blocked table, hit after visit count is exceeded. * @param {string} hostname Host to add to blocked table */ function addHostToBlockedTable(hostname) { db.serialize(() => {"insert into hosts (hostname) values (?)", [hostname], (err, row) => { if (err !== null) {"Attempted to visit blocked page " + hostname) } }) }); } /** * Either initialize a row in the database, or update the visit count for a row. * @param {string} hostname Host that was visited */ exports.visitHost = function (hostname, callbackFn) { return db.serialize(() => { // let host = new url.URL(hostname).hostname // console.log(hostname) db.get("select * from blocked_hosts where hostname = ?", [hostname], (err, row) => { if (row !== undefined) {"Blocked " + hostname + " due to blocked.json") callbackFn(false) } }) db.get("select * from hosts where hostname = ?", [hostname], (err, row) => { if (row === undefined) { addHostToTable(hostname); callbackFn(true); } else { // Do the blocking, make this configurable. if (row.visitcount >= 2) { addHostToBlockedTable(hostname) callbackFn(false); } else { updateVisitCount(hostname); callbackFn(true); } } }); }); }